A List Of The 10 ‘Most Wanted’ Information Products

Now the new year is upon us, a lot of people world-wide will be making new year’s resolutions – and promises to themselves about things they will be doing in the coming year.

While a lot of these resolutions will be quickly broken, many consumers will make an effort to reach at least some of their goals. To do this, they’ll most likely spend money on products they perceive as being able to help them keep their resolutions.

With that in mind, here are the top ten new year’s resolutions and commentary on what kinds of products will benefit from them. It’s not to be licensing products for sale in January! (or getting ready for New Year Resolution sales 2008)

The Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions Resolution Comments Creates Demand For:

Lose Weight: After gaining 20 pounds during the festive season, almost everyone makes a resolution to lose some weight – Videos, DVDs, books, workshops on weight loss
Exercise More: After watching 2000 hours of exercise infomercials on TV featuring muscle toned models, consumers want to get that toned ‘look’ – Exercise equipment, workout videos, personal trainers, sports clothing & shoes.
Eat Healthier: After pigging out non-stop through Christmas and New Year, the time to think about eating healthier has come. – Healthy eating books & videos, fruits and veggies, prepared meals, cooking courses, kitchen appliances.
Make More Money: Definitely need the money to pay off all the Christmas shopping bills – Business opportunity books, videos, workshops, software.
Pay Off Debt: Those year end credit card statements are kind of frightening. A good time to think about paying down a little debt. – Books, videos, debt counciling (not a good target market)
Start a Business / Change Careers: Start the new year right by looking for a better job, or starting your own business! – Business opportunities books, videos, workshops, software.
Learn How To . . . Before you apply for a new job or start a business, better get some training. – Books, videos, workshops, software.
Improve Personal Life: The new year might be a good time to fix a broken relationship or start a new one. – Books, videos, workshops, dating clubs, (bars?)
Move To . . . It might be time to retire or start over somewhere else (preferrably warm and sunny). – Books, videos, workshops, travel, magazines, newsletters.
Quit Smoking: Bcause you know you should. – Books, Drugs, Clinics, Hypnosis CDs…

Identifying more resolutions and project opportunities.

When trying to come up with profitable project ideas and suitable product to licence, it is usually best to start by identifying what people want in their lives – especially the things they dream of doing. Generally projects that help people get closer to their dreams will do better than projects that help people deal with reality.

For more help on finding out what people might be interested in, be sure to check out Google Trends, and Yahoo Buzz Index.

And don’t forget to make your own list of New Year’s resolutions for 2007.


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